Korea University of Technology and Education(KOREATECH) was established by the ministry of Employment and LABOR IN 1991 To foster practical engineers, HRD specialists and TVET(Technical Vocational Education and Training) teachers based on the educational philosophy of cultivating practical skills and knowledge.
“Seeking truth from facts”
Founded in
Spring 2023
Enrollments4,601(4,112 undergraduates
489 graduate students) -
Cheonan-si, Chungnam province, 40 minutes by train from seoul.
Degrees and credentials offered
18 undergraduate majors, 22 master’s degree programs, 20 PH.D. programs.
Academic Program
- Undergraduate School
- Graduate School
- College of Work and Study in Paralle
Cultivating of Practical engineers & HRD Professionals and Specialists
Lifelong Education
- Human Resources Development institute
- Online Lifelong Education Instityte
- Korean Skills Quality Authority
In-sercice training for TVET teachers & Employees Quality assurance of TVET institutions
Industry-University Cooperation
- Advanced Technology Education Education Center
- Center for Research and Facility
- Business Incubator, Technology Licensing Center
Training program for SMEs’ engineers Business incubator & Technology Transfer Research & Technology Development
No.1 in Education-oriented universities for 14 yearsby JoongANG Daily’s university evaluation in 2022
No.1 in Job placement rate(75.9%) of 4-year university graduate(>500 graduates) by Ministry of Education in 2020
No.5 in The rate of scholarship payments per engineering university to tution(33.8%)by JoongAng Daily’s university evaluation in 2022
8.8Billion KRW
8.8 billion won for Semiconductor Specialized University support Project by Ministry of Education in 2023(for 4 years)
5,350 Million KRW
5,350 Million won for Basic Research in Science & Engineering(division of engineering) by Ministry of Education in 2018(for 4 years)
4,000 Million KRW
4,000 Million won for University of Innovation in thr 4th Industrial Revolution by Ministry of Education in 2018(for 4 years)
Field-oriented work experience
- Education model : 50% theory + 50% practice
- Faculty with over 3 years’ field experiences
- 74 lecture rooms, 274 laboratories(24-hours)
- Required credit for graduation 130 (for international students)
IPP(Industry Professional Practice)
- Academic studies + work experiences
- Target: Junior and senior undergraduates
- Duration : 4 ~ 10 months(6~9 Credits)
- 392 students, 104 companies (as of 2022)
- Financial support from university and company
- Initiated by KOREATECH in 2012 ※ expanded to 38 universities
Capstone design & Graduation project
- Mandatory for graduation (All students)
- 1 professor with 5-6 students (lab-based)
- 232 graduation projects in 2022