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University/Graduate School

School of Industrial Management

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

koreatech School of Industrial Management

Cultivating Creative, Global and Field-oriented Talents

The School of Industrial Management pursues convergence education of traditional management with the information and data field, which covers new technology of the fourth industrial revolution, to cultivate professional management talents who can lead the fourth industrial revolution. For this, the school offers convergence educational programs including Management of Technology, which integrates business administration education covering organization, human resources, international business, entrepreneurship and startups, marketing, sales, service, production and quality, finance and accounting, and management and technology; and Information Technology and Data Science, which are the leading technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. In addition, the school continuously applies new educational methods, such as industry-oriented learning reflecting the demands of the industrials sites, problem solving-based education and flipped learning to ensure excellence in education.

Guide to Majors

School of Industrial Management

The School of Industrial Management operates two majors, Convergence Management and Data Management, and students may freely choose their major based on their aptitudes and desired career. Both the Convergence Management and Data Management majors offer convergence courses in the areas of business management and data and information technology, and students who completed each major can grow into management professionals with both the convergence competence to solve problems in industrial sites and the digital competence to lead change in the fourth industrial revolution.

Convergence Management Major

Introduction to the Majors

The Convergence Management major offers convergence education with courses in the areas of business and data and information technology, and aims to cultivate management talents with multidisciplinary knowledge and creativity who can lead change in industrials sites. To this end, the major supports students in growing into management professionals with convergence and integration knowledge, insight and creativity regarding mankind and technology and the global environment through the business management field (including organization management and human resources, international business and technology management, and entrepreneurship and startups), convergence education of finance and accounting and data and information technology, and education with a focus on the practical business skills necessary for problem-solving in industrials sites.

Educational Objective

  • To cultivate talented individuals who have both competence in management practices and understanding of technology

  • To cultivate talented individuals who have both creative ideas and enterprising implementation skills and who can create new value by starting businesses

  • To cultivate talented individuals who have multidisciplinary expertise, social skills and analytical ability and can solve complex management issues

Data Management Major

Introduction to the Majors

The Data Management major aims to cultivate management talents with the ability for data analysis and application, which are key areas of the fourth industrial revolution, based on an understanding of business administration. This major consists of the Finance and Accounting (traditional management fields), Management Information Systems and Production Management Information tracks, and produces product data management professionals who have theoretical knowledge and practical implementation capabilities and can provide optimized problem-solving at industrial sites using smart innovation technology according to company information data and the development of the fourth industrial revolution.

Educational Objective of the Major

  • To cultivate talented individuals who can carry out smartification and optimization of business decision-making using high-level data analysis skills

  • To cultivate talented individuals who can carry out manufacturing, service operation, and quality improvement processes using smart innovation skills

  • To cultivate talented individuals with competence in both financial data utilization and IT innovation