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International Cooperation Program

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Global TVET Management Master’s Program

  • Expand exchanges and reinforce policy collaborations with the Korean government by fostering policy developers (public officials) in the TVET field from key ASEAN countries (Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia)
  • Expand the number and national diversity of international students in programs
  • Provide support for fostering quality future talents by establishing policies and a sociocultural foundation for Korean companies and graduates to enter relevant countries in the future

Implementation performance

  • Program

    Global TVET Management Master’s Program
    Diploma : Master of Science in Global TVET Management

  • Period

    1 year / 4 semesters

Number of students

2018: 6 (5 countries)
Country Total Laos Indonesia Cambodia Thailand Philippines
Number of Students 6 1 1 1 2 1
2019: 10 (6 countries)
Country Total Laos Vietnam Indonesia Cambodia Thailand Philippines
Number of Students 10 2 1 2 2 1 2
2020: 17 (5 countries)
Country Total Laos Vietnam Indonesia Cambodia Myanmar
Number of Students 17 3 4 5 3 2
2021: 12 (4 countries)
Country Total Laos Indonesia Philippines Cambodia
Number of Students 12 1 6 3 2
2023: 19 (3 countries)
Country Total Indonesia Cambodia Philippines
Number of Students 19 13 2 4

Major courses (draft)

Classification Field Course (draft)
Regular HRD Vocational training policy seminar
Management Smart management information seminar
HRD Introduction to employment policy
HRD Special topics in HRD human resource development
Seasonal Engineering Understanding of engineering and energy technology
HRD Statistical and data analysis methods
Regular Management Principles of management
Management Strategic technology management
HRD Education program development and assessment
Management Special topics in entrepreneurship
Seasonal Engineering Special topics in 4th Industrial Revolution technology
Management Organizational behavior management

Graduation requirements

  • Minimum credits & GPA

    At least 36 credits, GPA of at least 3.0 (B or higher)

  • Graduation exam

    Score of at least 70 in each course