Department of Employment Service Policy
The Department of Employment Service Policy at KOREATECH, the only department of the kind at a four-year university in Korea, has the highest employment outlook. It was established by benchmarking HdBA, an employment service university in Germany. As the courses are composed to give a greater advantage to students aiming to become civil servants, certified public labor attorneys and HRD professionals at companies, studying the school subjects means preparing for recruitment examinations.
The Department of Employment Service Policy cultivates talented professionals equipped with theories of employment service and practical competencies. The department educates students to ensure they have an extensive range of competencies, including competency in the planning and evaluation of employment (service) policies, competency in the planning and evaluation of job-related projects, competency in vocational counseling, competency in the analysis of employment statistics and job information, professional competencies related to human resources and recruitment, competency in comprehensive understanding of the labor market and competencies in administration and management in the public sector. By cultivating the best talents through the operation of a convergence curriculum, close industry-university collaboration and the provision of on-the-job training and fostering of global competencies, the department ensures that graduates find positions in government offices, public corporations, companies and as certified public labor attorneys.
A shortcut to becoming a civil servant or certified public labor attorney!

The Department of Employment Service Policy was established by KOREATECH, a state-run university, to cultivate professionals in the exploding employment service area. The courses are developed to cover the civil service and certified public labor attorney examinations. The Department of Employment Service Policy, the only department of its kind in a four-year university in Korea, opened in March 2022 at KOREATECH and has the highest employment outlook. For this reason, the admission rate for the department was very high in 2022 and 2023 freshmen recruitment, despite it being a newly established department. The department recruited 26 freshmen for nonscheduled admission and 9 for scheduled admission in 2023.
The courses of the Department of Employment Service Policy are evaluation courses where students can just follow the curriculum to acquire a certificate (senior vocational counselor). Students can obtain the certificate by their junior year and concentrate on preparing for employment and designing their career path in their senior year. As 5% points will be added upon obtaining the certificate, the students will have an absolute advantage in civil service examinations related to the employment and labor series and vocational counseling sub-series. The students can become certified public labor attorneys or human resource and labor professionals at companies as the courses studied cover most of the certified public labor attorney examination subjects and the students learn HRD as a minor. Consequently, students can focus on studying without confusion about their career and will have an advantage in employment at the Ministry of Labor-affiliated organizations and private employment service agencies, because the department offers a clear picture of possible employers.