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Dormitory Assignment

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄
  • Dormitory

    9(Haeul), 10(Yeji), 12(Dasol), 14(Hamji), 15(Hanul) building in campus map
    • Five general dormitory buildings (main corridor, shared shower and toilets)
    11(Yesol), 18(Chambit), 19(Eunsol), New(Solbit) building
    • Four apartment-type dormitory building (2 to 4 rooms for 2 persons per unit)
    17 (International House) building
    • One English-only dormitory building (same as apartment-type dorm)

    Approximately 70% of all students live in KOREATECH's dormitories.

  • Library

    The Dasan Information Center of KOREATECH which takes its theme from Dasan, Jeong Yak-yong one of the greatest Realist Confucianism scholars of the Joseon period, is a cutting-edge facility with 250,000 books. The library has a special hall for various books on vocational training and specialty publications.

  • Cafeterias

    Three cafeterias are available on KOREATECH's campus (Student Cafeteria, Snack Bar, Faculty Cafeteria) and the price of the meals range between 5,000won~6,000won depending on menu item/cafeteria.

  • Sports Facilities

    Sports facilities on campus include outdoor and indoor gymnasium, squash rooms, fitness center, table-tennis rooms, and more.

  • Convenience Facilities

    KOREATECH convenience facilities on campus including bank, kiosks, coffee shops, optician, bookstore, hair salon, public Convenience Facilities health center, and more.